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    • The Book of Daniel

    • Preface

    • Instructions

    • Video 01 : Introduction, Part One

    • Video 02 : Introduction, Part Two

    • Video 03 : Chapter 1 Babylon

    • Video 04 : Chapter 2 Nebuchadnezzar's Dream, The Statue

    • Video 05 : Chapter 3 The Image of Gold

    • Video 06 : Chapter 4 Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream The Tree

    • Vidor 07 : Chapter 5 The Writing on the Wall Belshazzar's Feast

    • Video 08 : Chapter 6 Daniel in the Lion's Den

    • Video 09 : Chapter 7 The Four Beast Kingdoms Vision

    • Video 10 : Chapter 8 The Vision of the Goat and the Ram

    • Video 11 : Chapter 9 The Vision of the 70 Weeks

    • Video 12 : Chapter 10 The Vision of the Heavenly Messenger

    • Video 13 : Chapter 11 Kings in Conflict

    • Video 14 : Chapter 12 The End of the End

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    • Overview

    • What is the Book of Daniel About?

    • When and By Whom was the Book of Daniel Written?

    • What is the Historical Setting?

    • What is the Purpose of the Book of Daniel?

    • Purpose of Our Study

    • Cast of Characters

    • Outline

    • How to Use This Material

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    Chapter 1 : Babylon

    • Part 1 : INTRODUCTION

    • Babylon

    • Introduction : The Babylonian Empire

    • The Layout of the Land

    • The Great City Babylon

    • Babylonian Gods

    • Daniel and Friends in Babylon

    • The Meaning of Daniel’s Name

    • Nebuchadnezzar’s Arrival and the Taking of the Treasures

    • Judah’s Best Treasure

    • The Assimilation Trial

    • The Proof of God’s Favor

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    Chapter 2 : Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream, The Statue


    • Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream, The Statue

    • Introduction : Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream, The Statue

    • Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream and Decree

    • Daniel’s Preparation

    • Daniel’s Response of Praise

    • Daniel’s Declaration and Interpretation

    • The Interpretation Revealed

    • The Dream Revealed

    • Daniel’s Exaltation

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    Chapter 3 : The Image of Gold

    • The Image of Gold

    • Introduction : The Image of Gold

    • The Command to Bow Before the Image

    • The Refusal to Bow

    • The Deliverance of the Faithful

    • The King’s Reaction

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    Chapter 4 : Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream, The Tree

    • Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream, The Tree

    • Introduction : Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream, The Tree

    • Nebuchadnezzar’s Exclamation

    • Nebuchadnezzar’s 2nd Dream

    • The Dream’s Interpretation

    • Nebuchadnezzar’s Humbling

    • Nebuchadnezzar’s Praise and Restoration

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    Chapter 5 : The Writing on the Wall, Belshazzar’s Feast

    • The Writing on the Wall, Belshazzar’s Feast

    • Introduction : The Writing on the Wall, Belshazzar’s Feast

    • The Writing on the Wall

    • The Interpretation of the Writing

    • The Fall of Babylon

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    Chapter 6 : Daniel in the Lion's Den

    • Daniel in the Lions' Den

    • Introduction : Daniel in the Lion’s Den

    • King Darius’ Decree

    • Daniel in the Lion’s Den

    • The Reaction to Daniel’s Deliverance

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    Chapter 7 : The Four Beast Kingdoms Vision

    • The Four Beast Kingdoms Vision

    • Introduction : The Four Beast Kingdoms Vision

    • The Four Beasts Arise

    • The Beasts = Nebuchadnezzar’s Statue

    • The Ancient of Days is Seated

    • The Interpretation of Daniel’s Vision

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    Chapter 8 : The Vision of the Ram and the Goat


    • The Vision of the Ram and the Goat

    • Introduction : The Vision of the Ram and the Goat

    • The Writing from Aramaic to Hebrew

    • The Vision

    • Gabriel’s Interpretation

    • The King of the Fierce Face

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    Chapter 9 : The Vision of the 70 Weeks

    • The Vision of the 70 Weeks

    • Introduction : The Vision of the 70 Weeks

    • The Reason for Daniel’s Prayer

    • Daniel’s Prayer

    • Heaven’s Response

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    Chapter 10 : The Vision of the Heavenly Messenger

    • The Vision of the Heavenly Messenger

    • Introduction : The Vision of the Heavenly Messenger

    • The Appearance of the Heavenly Messenger

    • The Message Concerning Persia and Greece

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    Chapter 11 : Kings in Conflict

    • Kings in Conflict

    • Introduction : Kings in Conflict

    • The Persian Empire’s Dominance

    • The Greek Empire’s Dominance

    • The Warring Kings

    • The Antichrist

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    Chapter 12 : The End of the End

    • The End of the End

    • Introduction : The End of the End

    • A Time of Trouble

    • God’s Purpose

    • The Final Countdown

    • The Final Word

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    • Feed Back

    • Postscript : Summary of the Vision

    • Bibliography

    • Figures Table

    • About the Author